In 1992, a group of parishioners were invited to form a steering committee to help create our first parish council. The members of the steering committee received training in the areas of Archdiocesan directions and planning, building consensus, how to survey a parish, and how to form a mission statement. The Council was formed in 1994.
The Pastoral Council is a significant leadership group formed to serve our parish and the community. The Parish Council is not a board of directors. We rely upon the movement of the Holy Spirit amongst us, working for a unified vision among parish members so that we can meet the challenge of being a vibrant expression of the Church in the modern world.
As the Pastoral Council, we are first and foremost a community of prayer and faith. Our role is to be the coordinating and unifying structure of the parish community, giving full voice to the parish by encouraging and guiding the various aspects of parish life. The council members gather together the thoughts and ideas of the community, work together toward agreement, and translate this into goals that are acted upon by the parish community. To help act upon the goals of the parish, the council formed five parish pastoral commissions to the areas of Worship, Education, Service, Social, and Administration. Volunteers are encouraged and needed to be a part of these commissions.
The Pastoral Council meets monthly. All members of the parish are welcome to attend.
A parish finance committee will be concerned with Parish resources, budgets, and Church support. The responsibilities include an annual financial report to the archdiocese as well as financial reports to the parish. The committee exercises oversight of revenues and expenditures and renders financial advice and recommendations to the pastor for the budget and financial resources of the parish.
The committee works closely with each of the Commissions to establish and monitor an annual budget for both revenues and expenses within the framework of the parish and archdiocese. Once this budget is approved, it then becomes the responsibility of the Finance Committee members to provide regular feedback to each of their assigned Commissions regarding the status of their budget.
Monthly meetings help keep the members informed as to upcoming capital expenditures and unforeseen expenses as well as newly established programs that may impact the parish financially. When needed, the Finance Committee will provide financial information to the Stewardship Committee in order that they may better inform parishioners regarding the financial livelihood of the parish and establish a basis for emphasizing stewardship. Members should have background in business, finance, and/or accounting.
A group who generously give of their time to count weekend and other collections.
In a symbol of our common priesthood, altar servers are given the responsibility for carrying the cross, candles, and incense in procession, and assisting the celebrant at our liturgies. The actions of these individuals highlight the ceremony and ritual that are so much a part of the liturgy we celebrate.
All students from 4th through 8th grade are invited to serve at the altar. They may be from the St. Al's/St. Pat's school or from the RE program. Servers will minister principally at weekend or holy day Masses, but an occasional wedding or funeral may be required. Training is provided and responsibility is required from both students and parents.
These ministers assist the priest in distributing the Eucharist at the Sunday liturgies. Distribution of the Eucharist occurs in both forms (bread and wine). After an initial training session and approval by the pastor, ministers are specially commissioned and fit into the regular liturgical schedule.
Lectors proclaim the Scriptures. They are our storytellers on our journey through Scripture. They must be able to proclaim in a way that allows the meaning and significance of the Word of God to be recognized by the assembly. A training session is required, and lectors are expected to prepare and proclaim when scheduled.
Sacristans serve the assembly and the ministers by preparing all the physical elements needed for the Mass. They prepare the vessels and linens for the Eucharist, put out an appropriate quantity of bread and wine, ensure the Lectionary and Sacramentary are properly placed, clean the vessels used for Communion, and restore the vessels and utensils to their proper place. Sacristan training is provided. The time commitment is minimal: approximate 20 minutes before Mass and 10 minutes after Mass.
Senior Altar Servers are those servers who have demonstrated a faithful commitment to serving and have graduated their 8th grade year. These servers decide to continue serving at Mass throughout high school. They take on a leadership role in the ministry, acting as Master of Ceremonies for weekend and special Masses, serving weddings, funerals, Stations of the Cross, and Benedictions. They may also assist in the training of new altar servers. Advanced training is provided and responsibility is required.
The women and men within the assembly who serve in this ministry are much more than collection takers and distributors of worship guides and bulletins. They are representatives of a caring community. They welcome visitors, assist new members, and help the disabled experience an accessible environment. Ushers need to arrive 20 minutes before Mass.
The Worship Commission develops the spiritual life of the parish community. Their responsibility is to prepare the liturgy and the art & environment for the seasons. The commission is concerned with the liturgical calendar as well as special celebrations.
The parish choirs work in conjunction with the Worship Commission and coordinate their efforts to enhance the liturgical celebrations.
In cooperation with the other Catholic Communities of Lemont, representatives of the Worship Commission join in the preparation of the Lemont Catholic Community Reconciliation Service for Advent and Lent, as well as the yearly Lemont Catholic Mission.
Extra hands are always welcome to decorate the Church for Christmas and Easter and to remove the decorations at the end of the season.
Parishioners volunteer every month at the Daybreak Shelter in Joliet. Serving food and spending time with the homeless and lonely are among the ministry opportunities available at Daybreak. This is a very rewarding and, at times, a very eye-opening ministry. Youth and adults are encouraged to volunteer.
Our parish is working closely with one of Chicago's inner city parishes, Epiphany-Good Shepherd, in an outreach program. A "Sharing Tree" program at Christmas has been the traditional means of providing gifts for families, but there are also collections, monthly food drives, and a "back-to-school" supply drive.
The Sharing Program relies upon a committee of volunteers at Christmas and throughout the year in discussing and facilitating our parish outreach to Epiphany-Good Shepherd and making suggestions for future ministry opportunities. Of course, donations are always encouraged.
Give something back to God and the Church, help young people grow, while growing in your own faith. No experience necessary. You must like and be able to work with children, and be a good example of Catholic faith. If you have no experience and are unsure about teaching by yourself, we can team you up with an experienced catechist. Commitment consists of 20 90-minute classroom sessions every and meeting with grade-level catechists and core catechist once a month. You can also attend a comprehensive "Getting Started" workshop put on by the Chicago Office of Catechesis. New catechists support each other in monthly formation meetings.
Assists the primary catechist in the classroom in various tasks. A catechist aide may also serve as a tutor for students with special needs or who have had no formal religious education. Tutors may work with other catechists or on their own with a student or small group of students.
Fills in for catechists who are ill or called away for some other reason. Occasional commitment, as your schedule allows. Important need for all grades.
Assists in the office during class hours. Duties include paperwork, answering phones, computer data entry, attendance checks, and running errands to and from classrooms.
Through the Church, Christ reaches out to ALL people. SPRED is a program sponsored by the Lemont Catholic Community. It is a faith-sharing group for people (youth and adults) with developmental or physical disabilities. Allowing for the exploration in faith, people (both volunteers and members) deepen their relationship with the God who calls each by name. SPRED is a group-based ministry. Volunteers are needed to assist with hospitality and discussion.
This ministry is dedicated to comforting members of our Parish family that are mourning the loss of a loved one by being present to them and offering support during their time of grief. Training is provided.
Eucharistic Adoration is an opportunity to spend some quiet time with Jesus in the Eucharist. Currently adoration is in the Chapel of Mercy in the St. Alphonsus Ministry Building on Tuesdays from 8am to 2pm. Additional effort of volunteers may be necessary to nurture and expand the availability of the adoration time.
Bring the Church to those who are no longer able to attend Mass. Volunteers visit and extend helping hands and listening ears in friendship and prayer to our elderly and infirm parishioners who are homebound. Trained and committed men and women share the Word of God and bring the Holy Eucharist to the homebound members of our parish.
This group meets on Tuesdays at 7:15am for daily Mass. Prior to the Mass, they pray the rosary. Following the Mass, they participate in the devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
Adults desiring to complete their sacraments or to enter the Catholic Church enter the process called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). This process lasts approximately nine months and culminates at the Easter Vigil. Volunteers are always needed as catechists and sponsors. Catechists lead small group discussions and present on topics relevant to the faith and from their own experience. Sponsors work one-on-one with candidates preparing to receive the Sacraments and become spiritual companions. Any person wanting to learn more about the Catholic Faith or to join our Catholic community should call the Parish Office at 257-2414. To fill out the registration form click HERE.