Have you ever considered becoming a catechist? Maybe you're thinking, "Oh, not me!" The common sentiment that runs through the stories of so many catechists is amazement at what they received in the course of working in our Religious Education Program. Following are comments from recent surveys of our catechists:
"The kids give so much. They are enthusiastic, inquisitive and loving. They recharge me and my ministry."
"It was my first experience teaching a class. It gave me an outlook and experience that will be helpful as I prepare to become a teacher."
"It is an incredible feeling to work with the children and see them grow!"
"God calls all of us; we must answer some of the calls. We all can make a difference. Kids and parents are thankful."
"I enjoyed seeing how the different volunteers work together."
"I was able to revisit some of the things that I have not looked at since college."
"This was a very nice group of kids to teach. My assistant was very helpful."
"I love listening to the kids' ideas."
"I love teaching the class and having the children enjoy coming to RE, as I believe mine did."
"I grew with the children. As they learned, so did I. It was a spiritual growth."
A common thread in most catechists' stories: "I received so much more than I ever expected!"
Maybe this is the year for you to become involved in this very important and rewarding ministry!
If you have no experience and are unsure about teaching by yourself, we may be able to team you up with an experienced catechist. Catechists on each grade-level meet to discuss lesson plans and share ideas. A core catechist for each grade is available to lend assistance. You also can attend a comprehensive "Getting Started" workshop provided by the Archdiocese Office for Catechesis. Explore the possibility by contacting Mike Lundberg, Director of Lifelong Formation.